Thursday, August 2, 2012

last week @ the farm

 Henrietta was lonely, so Sarah & Bex went to get her a friend...
 meet Penelope
 Puzzle getting some lovin
 So on our last day, we got to help check all the sheep, basically this included bringing them in, checking them one by one for feet and butt issues, some clipping, trimming and spraying then separating the mamas from the babies. Hot, dirty, long day.  Tim was lucky enough to wrestle about 90 odd sheep and apparently his days rolling around on the mats paid off.
 hold still love
 2 points for a takedown (2-0 Tim)
 who would even know this is hard work?
 this is Owen, their ram, hes a natural model, literally he posed for this picture
 fresh feet, fresh butt, ready to take on the world... or a new field
 getting ready to release the beasts
 so... in the heat of the moment, Tim decided to exercise his enthusiasm for the Olympics and vault a fence while we were getting ready to move the sheep.  luckily Tim isn't competing for team USA because he ate it. big time. no worries though his face caught the fall and he only broke most of the fence.  what a good sport.  
 Ghost coming to say bye to us
 ... or just having a drink
 pretty last day in Stroud
 wild strawberries, brilliant
 Stroud Farmers Market where we saw Lily Allen
Who can pack up and leave when this face is sitting outside your door?

We miss you Stroud Slad Farm, but no worries, we'll be back!

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