Tuesday, July 10, 2012

so far in Stroud...

right, well, here is the picture report of our first week in England (can you hear the British accent coming through?) cheerio!
 a picture of the barns on a rainy day
Tim in front of the caravan 
 calf that was born the day before we arrived
 going for a walk
the house, they like VW just like me
 the back yard, not too shabby, huh?
another part of the house and the green barn behind it
lots of snails!
Tim having a go at the tractor
 our neighbors that live in a yurt
another VW lover who lives near us
 silage, and more to come
me and the caravan and our new clothesline

 lots more to come... 

1 comment:

Deb from Baltimore said...

Love the pictures! It is so beautiful there! Hope you are having fun!