Wednesday, June 2, 2010

pictures I stole from Julia

dear Gualeguaychu,
thanks for not giving us a place to sleep for three days. thanks for the sunburn. and thanks for almost killing us on more than 5 occasions. also thanks for carnaval. and thanks for the beginning of a longstanding relationship with fernet. oh and thanks for beaches that are really rivers and chamuyeros and body paint and falling asleep in cafes and walking for miles singing joy and riding in the back of pickup trucks (more than once) and learning just the beginning of being called rubia every freaking day and homemade pasta and the true meaning of homelessness. basically thank you for one of the most memorable adventures of my entire life.
love, christine

Tatiana and I, I think in Rosario

I can't help it, I'm just a lover.

Julia and I in Missiones. literally this is perfection for me.

hotel room. my favorite ladies. wine. bingo.

am i climbing or trying to scare the waterfall, who knows?

dont mind the floor, we are ACTUALLY jumping into the falls.



my loves and the falls.

drenched. soaked to the bone, if you will.

at the feria de libros. just trying to fit in.

la flor. i still don't understand how it works.

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